Messages Django dans une alerte

Documentation du tag

Renders django messages in a series a village alerts

data_dict = {
    "is_collapsible" : "(Optional) Boolean, set to true to add a 'close' button for the alert (default: false)",
    "wrapper_classes": "(Optional) extra classes for the wrapper of the alerts (default `village-my-4v`)",
    "extra_classes": "(Optional) extra classes for the alert."

All of the keys of the dict can be passed directly as named parameters of the tag.

Relevant extra_classes:

  • village-alert--sm : small alert


By default, the following message level are mapped to the following alert types:

Message level village alert type
DEBUG info
INFO info
SUCCESS success
WARNING warning
ERROR error

There types are then concatenated with village-alert-- to form the CSS classe in the template.

These classes can be modified by setting village_MESSAGE_TAGS_CSS_CLASSES in your, like so:

from django.contrib import messages
    messages.DEBUG: "error"

You can also use this setting to map custom custom message levels to alert types:

django.conf import global_settings
from django.contrib import messages
    50: "fatal"
    messages.DEBUG: "debug",
    50: "warning"

With this setting, the following code:

messages.add_message(request, 50, "A serious error occurred.")

renders an alert with the following CSS class: village-alert--warning.

Tag name: village_django_messages

Usage: {% village_django_messages data_dict %}



{'is_collapsible': True}
